February 2022 Newsletter
The mission of the Healthcare Coalition of Maine (HCCME) is to develop and sustain a powerful coalition of health care organizations, first responders, and other key partners united to save lives and improve health outcomes during disasters through preparedness, planning, response, and recovery efforts.
Capacity Survey for Acute Care Hospitals Reminder
This is a friendly reminder to request your participation in the HCCME Hospital Capacity Survey. The brief capacity assessment should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. If your organization has not completed the survey we are asking for completion as soon as possible.
The information we are requesting will be critical for the development of the HCCME Medical Response Surge Exercise (MRSE) in March and the HCCME Burn Surge Annex; both required coalition deliverables for ME CDC and ASPR.
To avoid duplication of effort, we have asked hospitals to please identify a single POC from your facility to complete the survey.
Please contact us if you believe your facility has not received the email containing the survey link or are unsure if your facility has completed the survey.
Upcoming Coalition Events
February 10th
Joint Chapter Meeting
HCCME will be hosting a Joint Chapter Meeting on February 10th from 9:00-10:30AM via Zoom. This will be in place of the 3 previously scheduled chapter meetings.
Meeting to include a presentation on what a Respiratory Protection Program (RPP) is, the importance of RPPs and how to write a RPP that best suits your facility! The Maine Disaster Behavioral Health Program will also be providing an overview of their services and how they can assist communities in times of disaster. Register HERE in advance!
Fireworks Fiasco:
A Pediatric Burn Surge Exercise
Join healthcare partners around the state for a two day virtual exercise that will evaluate a coordinated response to a pediatric burn mass casualty incident that overwhelms Maine's healthcare infrastructure. The exercise will also evaluate the activation and operations of the Healthcare Coalition of Maine.
Intended Audience- Hospitals, Public Health, Emergency Management, EMS, and all other healthcare stakeholders.
March 15th from 9:30-11AM- Medical Response Surge Functional Exercise (MRSE) in which members will participate by replying to HCCME's requests for essential elements of information via multiple communication platforms. The MRSE replaces the Coalition Surge Test as an annual requirement of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Cooperative Agreement. The information gathered on this day will be critical for a successful exercise the following day. No registration required.
March 16th from 12-3PM- A Pediatric Burn Surge Functional Exercise in which HCCME will evaluate their Pediatric and Burn Surge Annexes. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER IN ADVANCE!
You must participate in both days to be considered a participant in the MRSE Reporting tool.
See event flyer for exercise objectives.
Please email us with any questions regarding the exercise and we hope you are able to join us!
HCCME would like to thank the latest organizations that have submitted new Organization Agreement Forms!
• Casa, Inc.
• Elizabeth Levinson Center
• Katahdin Health Care
• NL Eastern Maine Medical Center
• Pine Point Center
• Pinnacle at South Portland
• Regional Medical Center at Lubec
• Russell Park Rehabilitation
As a reminder, all organizations involved with the coalition are encouraged to complete the new organization agreement form as any older version of a membership agreement submitted prior to November 2021 is no longer valid.
We appreciate our membership taking a few moments in their day to move your organization along to the next step in the process to becoming an “active member”.
All Clear Emergency Management Group is searching for TWO detail oriented, highly skilled and motivated Healthcare Coalition Coordinators to join our growing team! These positions will provide coverage to the Northern and Southern Chapters by planning, implementing, and evaluating activities associated with the Coalition. Additionally, this position will recruit and maintain a diverse coalition membership with hospital, public health, emergency management, emergency medical services and other healthcare partners.
For more information, see the full job description located here. Cover letters and resumes should be submitted by email to jobs_HCCME@AllClearEMG.com.
We also continue to search for a detail oriented, highly skilled and motivated Contract Clinical Advisor to join our team! This position will serve the HCCME, by providing clinical leadership and serving as a liaison between the Coalition and medical directors/medical leadership at health care facilities, supporting entities (e.g., blood banks), and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agencies.
For more information, see the full job description located here. Cover letters and resumes should be submitted by email to jobs+clinical@AllClearEMG.com.
Partner Trainings and Webinars
Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Vermont Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (VHEPC) Sponsors Cybersecurity Updates and Best Practices for Emergency Cyber Preparedness Training
VHEPC is sponsoring a one- hour training on Mar 22, 2022 @ 02:00PM, facilitated by Tom Walsh, Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with over 30 years of experience. He is a nationally recognized expert, leader and educator in healthcare information security.
Register for FREE today to receive the training call-in information
Active Shooter Preparedness Webinar- Region 1
February 16th @ 1:00-3:00 PM ET
Register HERE. Space is limited.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
The New England Consortium (TNEC)
Collaborative Healthcare Urgency Group (CHUG)
Preparedness Toolkit, Continuous Improvement Technical Assistance Program(CIP/CITAP)- Webinar Series
FEMA will host a webinar series on a variety of continuous improvement topics relative to preparedness.
Conducting Continuous Improvement Interviews Webinar- February 16th @1:00-2:00 PM ET
Panning Your After Action Webinar- March 9th @ 1:00-2:00 PM ET
Rapid Improvement Webinar- April 13th @ 1:00-4:00 PM ET
Register HERE.
The New England Consortium’s Health and Safety Training Series- February 2022 (virtual)
Disaster Preparedness- February 22nd @ 9:00-11:00 AM ET
HAZCOM- Hazard Communication- February 22nd @ 1:00-3:00 PM ET
The Implications of STRESS during COVID- February 23rd @ 9:00-11:00 AM ET
Fire Safety- February 23rd @ 1:00-3:00 PM ET
Register HERE for all trainings.
CHUG is Hosting an Upcoming Community Table-Top Exercise!
Emergency Planning Community Table-top Exercise
Thursday, February 17, 202210:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
The overall goal is to prepare an After Action Report/ Improvement Plan identifying "Strengths" and "Areas of Improvement". REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 11th, 2022, 5:00 PM CDT.
Register HERE for exercise.
ASPR Resources
Now Available: ASPR TRACIE 2021 Year in Review Report and At-a-Glance and Looking Forward Video
ASPR TRACIE has published its 2021 Year in Review Report. The report features links to more than 100 resources that address the multitude of challenges the year brought with it, from patient load balancing and crisis standards of care to civil unrest, workplace violence, and severe winter weather.
In addition to the report, ASPR TRACIE has also published the At-a-Glance and Looking Forward video, which highlights how its partnerships have contributed to its work over the past six years.
Now Available: ASPR Health and Safety Bingo Tool
ASPR's Health and Safety Bingo document summarizes the online Health and Safety Bingo game, developed as a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ASPR, and the Puerto Rico Department of Health - Asthma Program. This educational tool can be used by organizations that work with vulnerable populations to promote prevention and management of respiratory conditions.
Access the Health and Safety Bingo Tool
Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) Risk Identification and Site Criticality (RISC) Toolkit 1.0
The HPH RISC Toolkit is an objective, data-driven all-hazards risk assessment that can be used by public and private organizations to inform emergency preparedness planning, risk management activities, and resource investments. ASPR offers the RISC Toolkit to provide owners/operators in the HPH Sector with nationally recognized standards-based evaluation criteria in an easy-to-follow, guided format. If you have any issues, questions, or problems using this toolkit, please contact HPHRISC@hhs.gov.
Email your coalition coordinators at HCCME@AllClearEMG.com to assist you with any of your preparedness needs.
As a reminder, we recommend that you bookmark our website MaineHCCs.com and check in often as we are continually updating the calendar with meetings, trainings, and exercises!